Influence & Impact for female leaders
Influence & Impact for female leaders
Ep 38 Why perfectionism and overworking could be holding you back

For years I thought that I was doing well in my career because I worked so hard and held myself to such high standards.  Then I realised that those strategies were actually causing as much harm as they were good. 

I coach a lot of high achieving women, at all levels and perfectionism in its various guises, crops up all the time.  We may not consider ourselves to be perfectionist but often it looks like overworking, trying to be in control of everything in your life, procrastinating and fear of failure. 

In this episode of the Influence & Impact podcast I’d like to help you to identify and reflect on any unhelpful patterns you may have around perfectionism so that you can stop holding yourself to such impossibly high standards.


If you’d like to talk to me about working together do book a call.

How I work with individuals:

How I work with organisations: