How to deal with Energy Drains at Work

Two women talking in work setting

In our daily lives, we often encounter people or situations that leave us feeling drained and exhausted. As female leaders, it is crucial to protect our energy and maintain a positive and inspiring mindset. In this blog, we will discuss practical strategies to stop other people from draining your energy, allowing you to make a greater impact in your life and work.

Understanding the Contagious Nature of Energy

Have you ever noticed how spending time with certain individuals can leave you feeling energised and motivated, while others drain your spirit? This phenomenon occurs because our nervous systems are interconnected, making us sensitive to the energies of those around us. Whether we realise it or not, the stress or positivity emitted by others can affect our well-being.

Setting Boundaries with Energy Bubble Visualisation

One effective way to shield yourself from negative energy is to visualise an energy bubble. Start by imagining a colour that represents the feelings you want to cultivate, such as calmness or power. Envision this bubble surrounding you, serving as a protective barrier against external influences. When confronted with negativity or draining conversations, imagine the energy bouncing right off your bubble. This simple technique helps you maintain your energy and prevent it from being drained by others.

Identify Energy-Draining Situations and People

Awareness is key in safeguarding your energy. Pay attention to situations and individuals that consistently leave you feeling tired or down. These could be individuals who are constantly negative, stressed, or anxious. By becoming aware of the people and circumstances that drain your energy, you can take proactive steps to minimise their impact on your well-being.

Maintaining Distance and Boundaries

Once you have identified the energy-draining elements in your life, it’s essential to set boundaries to protect yourself. This may involve limiting the time you spend with certain individuals or avoiding certain environments that consistently leave you feeling drained. By prioritising your well-being, you can create a space that allows you to thrive and make a positive impact.

Self-Care and Recharging

Taking care of your energy is crucial in building resilience against external influences. Engage in activities that rejuvenate and recharge you, whether it’s practicing mindfulness, exercising, reading, or spending time in nature. By nurturing your energy, you strengthen your ability to withstand the draining effects of others.

To be an impactful female leader it is vital to have boundaries and preserve your energy. By recognising the contagious nature of energy and utilising visualisation techniques, such as the energy bubble, you can shield yourself from negativity. Protecting yourself and prioritising self-care are all essential steps in creating a space where you can thrive and make a positive impact in the workplace. Remember, your energy is precious, so protect it wisely.

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