Influence & Impact for female leaders
Influence & Impact for female leaders
Ep 152 - Is it time to quit your job?

Have you been considering leaving your job?  Maybe you’re not happy at work these days, perhaps you’ve lost your motivation, or you could just be feeling the desire for something new in 2024.

It’s a big decision and one many people struggle to make. How do you know when the time is right?  How do you avoid making the wrong decision? And how do you build the courage to quit when you know you’re too unhappy to stay?

If you’ve got some of those thoughts whirring round in your head then this is the episode that’s going to help you.

In this episode I’m going to share with you…

  • How to know when you’re ready for a change
  • The 6 factors you need to consider when making the decision to quit

  • Why staying in a toxic workplace is a confidence vortex

  • My 4 top tips for making the decision to stay or go

This is the Influence & Impact podcast for women leaders, helping you confidently navigate the ups and downs of leadership and feel less alone on your journey as a leader.

I’m your host Carla Miller, I’ve been coaching leaders for the past 15 years and I’m your new leadership BFF.  And as your BFF I’m here to remind you of the value to bring to your organisation, to help believe in yourself and to share practical tools and insights from myself and my brilliant guests that will help you succeed in your career.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode.  If you have please do share it with others or leave a rating or review so more people can benefit from it.


If you’d like to talk to me about working together do book a call.

How I work with individuals:

How I work with organisations:

Have you been considering leaving your job? Maybe you're not happy at work these days. Perhaps you're feeling really unmotivated or demotivated, or you could just be feeling the desire for something new in 2024.

It's a big decision and one that many people struggle to make. How do you know when the time is right? How do you avoid making the wrong decision? And how do you build the courage to quit when you know you're too unhappy to stay?

If you've got some of those thoughts worrying around your head, then this is the episode that's going to help you. Because I'm going to share with you how to know when you're ready for a change. The six important factors you need to consider when you're making that decision about your role.

Why staying in a toxic workplace is a confidence vortex and my four top tips for actually making that decision, whether to stay or whether to go. This is the Influence and Impact podcast for women leaders, helping you confidently navigate the ups and downs of leadership and feel less alone on your journey as you do so.

My name is Carla Miller and I've been coaching leaders for the past 15 years and I am your new leadership BFF. As your BFF, I'm here to remind you of the value that you bring to your organization, to help you believe in yourself and to share practical tools and insights from myself and my brilliant guests that will help you to succeed in your career.

So if you want to know if you should stay or you should go when it comes to your current role, let's dive in. Now this episode was prompted by lots of discussions I had in the latter half of 2020. I spoke to women who were normally highly motivated that had lost their motivation and just didn't feel like themselves at work anymore.

I spoke to women with really very challenging, difficult line managers, and it was understandably really impacting their confidence. I spoke to women who were frustrated with things that they wanted to change about their organization that were impacting them and their team and their ability to do their jobs well.

And I spoke to women who were just feeling like they were ready for something new, but perhaps didn't know what that was yet. There were so many different reasons for considering leaving your role. And I also think that we are all under a lot of pressure at the moment.

So many people are overworked, so many people are overwhelmed, and when you're in that space, It's very nice to dream about quitting, isn't it? And then you come back down to a reality with a bump because you have no idea what you're going to do next.

And sometimes we think the grass is always greener. But honestly, if the main issue you have with your role is that you are overworked, there's just too much to do, that's unlikely to change if you move organizations.

Although a fresh start can allow you to set new boundaries, so it can give you the confidence to do that. But honestly, very few organizations have found the sweet spot when it comes to a sustainable workload and realistic expectations about what people can do during their working hours.

So leaving often isn't the answer to the being overworked problem, but it can definitely be the answer to some other problems. So how do you know when you're ready for a change? Well, in this episode, for fun, I'm going to use the metaphor of a romantic relationship because it helps to bring a new perspective to what you're experiencing.

So we're going to start by looking at the reasons why you might be thinking of moving. And I've put these into three categories. I've put them into red flags. So the things that are very concerning, the next category is things around fit.

Like, is this the right fit for you as a person? And then finally, looking at whether it perhaps used to be the right fit, but whether you potentially outgrown your current role. So what are the red flags that you want to keep an eye out for?